interior stylist

Interior stylist NIA Academy

In my previous blog you could read how I took up pottery during this special period. There is much more to tell about this, but more about that in a next blog. This time I want to talk about interior styling. Many people who know me know that this is my true passion and that it has even formed the basis of World of Blends.

However, I have always lacked a good balance between “feeling” and practice. How do you turn an idea about a collection of wonderful colors, beautiful furniture and accessories or atmospheric lighting into an executable interior plan? There was never a shortage of ideas; people often ask me for advice if they are inspired by my own interior, but how does that work out in an advice in which all that comes together? In short: time for education!

interior stylistAnd so a few months ago I decided to choose the phase 2 Interior Architecture of the NIA Academy. It is precisely this training that is aimed at being able to work out a good interior plan in a professional way. Last October I started and now I have the coveted certificate. Now I can create a good moodboard, draw floor plans and cross sections and make perspective drawings.

Although I am now a certified Interierstylist, that is not the point at all. The point is that I can now give an even better advice to anyone who asks for it. An advice in which everything that forms an interior comes together in a plan that I can visualize. Who knows what the future will bring me in here!


interior stylist


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