Carpets: how do you make the right choice?

A beautiful carpet adds atmosphere and warmth to a space. With a well-chosen carpet you can make a space real. But how do you make the right choice?

There are many different carpets in all sizes and materials, old and new, cheap and in higher price ranges. Whether it’s a small runner or a large carpet in the living room, they all have their own application, both functional and as a design object.


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Carpets offer versatility to an interior by accentuating or completing a colour scheme. You can play with this by, for example, combining wallpaper or fabrics with different patterns or colours with a plain rug or vice versa.


You can also use rugs very well to highlight spaces, so that a larger open space still gives the feeling that there are several “rooms” with their own style or atmosphere.


And do you dare to think “out of the box”? How about a carpet as a work of art on the wall? Or change carpets from time to time for surprising effects? And did you know that you can turn over carpets a lot? In the warm summers in southern regions, the relatively smooth underside of a knotted carpet offers more coolness than the thick top. And moreover, the patterns at the bottom are often very different from those of the top. In fact, you have two carpets for the price of one!


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And if you’ve found the right carpet, how do you choose the right dimensions? Fortunately, a few rules of thumb can help you:

  • For a room-sized carpet, subtract 1 meter from the length and width of the room or the place in the room where the carpet will be placed to determine the size of the carpet. Due to the uncapped floor at the edges, the room seems larger. In general, larger objects actually make a space larger, so maybe take the sizes a bit more broadly than you might think first
  • If you put a carpet under a dining table, add 60 cm to each table side so chairs can slide back without sliding off the carpet edge
  • For an overflow, a runner is ideal. The carpet should then be about 10 cm narrower on either side than the space and 45 to 60 cm shorter. In any case, make sure that the runner is wide enough to walk over it with both feet.


These are only indications and you can, and should sometimes even deviate from them for the most beautiful results. In the webshop the sizes are listed on all carpets. If you want a different size, that’s not a problem, customization is always possible.



  • If you mess on a carpet: clean it immediately. Never rub it because it makes the stain worse
  • Measure the stain with a dry, absorbent cloth until you have removed as much moisture as possible
  • If there is a stain, use a mild detergent (e.g. green soap) with lukewarm water, continue to dab until the stain is gone. Make sure the rug doesn’t get too wet. You can also use a carpet cleaner, then follow the instructions
  • Allow the rug to dry on a flat, dry surface.
  • If the stain is not gone, call in specialist help. There are dry cleaners that specialize in cleaning carpets.
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